
Toilet Roll Planters

Propagation is a great way to get a head start, before the season raises its gun and everything is off to a flying start, however in this race there are no false starts. It means plants can put up their feet, wear their comfy clothes and grow in the comfort of the great indoors or in a greenhouse. If getting a seed tray somehow landed at the bottom of your to-do list, don’t worry you won’t be caught with your pants down. These toilet roll planters are easy to make, they divide plants into seperate cells, and can be planted straight into the ground… win, win, win!

Unless your toilet paper habits are akin to Uncle John’s strict law for using the septic system, “one for wiping, one for polishing,” you will most likely have some toilet rolls at your disposal. They are much better off in your gardening hands, than off to the recycle bin. Poo-ticket propagation ticks all the right boxes and bowls. You’re re-using, you’re cleansing your conscience and hopefully your bathroom, and you’re saying goodbye to plastic seedling trays.

Toilet Paper Roll Planters








Simply cut the rolls in half, and probably your recycling if you were a toilet paper hoarder. It’s time to reuse these cardboard cannolis.

Toilet Paper Roll Planters








Add them to a tray, an ice cream tub, a bucket, that lunchbox you took to work that has come back beyond recognition, anything you are happy to add soil and water to.

Planting seeds in toilet roll planters








It’s time to plant your seeds! Using your finger make a small imprint in the soil of each toilet roll. Drop a seed in and wave goodbye. Once you have said your goodbyes cover it with soil.

Water Toilet Roll Planters








Keep seeds well watered, you don’t want to dry them out. Using a spray bottle is a great way to not completely flood your seedling tray and potentially your kitchen, yet maintain moist soil to germinate your seeds.

Plant Toilet Paper Rolls in Patch








Congratulations! Your seeds have grown up into seedlings and it’s now time to send them off to the patch… they grow up so fast don’t they!? Dry those eyes, plant those seedlings, roll and all and water that patch in. You’re doing great, you are going to be a great veggie parent.

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