
What to Plant in May

It's often hard to come to grips with what to plant at what time of the year, so we're breaking down the months and the plants that are available to grow. Here we have our what to plant lists for Australia's four distinct climatic zones, with an indication of what form to plant at this stage of the season;

- s for seed
- se for seedling

Please note: these are recommendations only and the micro climate that you live in may mean that there are different possibilities. So use this as a guide, but always use your intuition and experiment!

Cool/mountainous (Hobart, Canberra)
Beetroot se
Broad Beans s
Broccoli se
Brussel Sprouts se
Bok Choi/Pak Choi se
Carrot s
Cabbage se
Cauliflower se
Celery se
Coriander se
Fennel se
Garlic (bulbs)
Herbs (all except basil) se
Kale se
Lettuce se
Parsnip se
Peas s
Rocket se
Radish s
Silverbeet se
Spinach se
Spring onion se
Swede se
Turnip se

Temperate (Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth)
Beetroot se
Broad Beans s
Broccoli se
Brussel Sprouts se
Bok Choi/Pak Choi se
Carrot s
Cabbage se
Cauliflower se
Celery se
Coriander se
Fennel se
Garlic (bulbs)
Herbs (all except basil) se
Kale se
Lettuce se
Parsnip s
Peas s
Rocket se
Radish s
Silverbeet se
Spinach se
Spring onion se
Strawberry se
Swede s
Turnip s

Sub tropical (Sydney)
Beetroot s
Broad Beans s
Broccoli se
Brussel Sprouts se
Bok Choi/Pak Choi se
Carrot s
Cabbage se
Cauliflower se
Celery se
Coriander se
Fennel se
Garlic (bulbs)
Herbs (all) se
Kale se
Lettuce se
Rocket se
Radish s
Pea s
Silverbeet se
Spinach se
Spring onion se
Strawberry se
Swede s
Turnip s

Tropical (Brisbane, Darwin)
Beetroot s
Bok Choi/Pak Choi se
Carrot s
Capsicum se 
Celery se
Chilli se
Cucumber se
Eggplant se
Herbs (all) se
Kale se
Lettuce se
Pumpkin se
Rocket se
Radish s
Silverbeet se
Spinach se
Spring onion se
Squash se
Strawberry se
Zucchini se

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