
DIY Seed Bombs

DIY Seed Bombs

Seed-bombing is an old guerilla-gardening special, and one that is great fun for the kids: It’s a special type of warfare that creates life rather than destroying it. You get to choose which life to create and where you want to create it. Seed bombing originated as a way of beautifying derelict and hard-to-get-at land. It’s a rapid-fire way of getting things starred but the survival rate of the bombs is 50/50. With seed bombing it’s all about the numbers and the timing.

The first part is pretty simple: the more bombs that land on the site, the greater the chance of some propagating and taking hold. When it comes to time, the closer the attack coincides with a period of wet and warm weather, the greater the survival rate. Watch the video here.

DIY Seed Bombs

1.Our stash of weaponry includes biodegradable twine, jiffy pots, scissors, cardboard, pen and a mix of compost and clay. First, thread a 50cm length of biodegradable twine through the base of the jiffy pot, leaving even lengths on either side.

DIY Seed Bombs

2. Now measure and cut your grenade cap.

DIY Seed Bombs

3. Fill the jiffy 3/4 full with your mix of compost and clay – compost provides the fertility and the clay provides water retention. Both are equally important in making this mission a success. Worm castings are also great!

DIY Seed Bombs

4. Pop in a couple of seeds and cover over with more mix.

DIY Seed Bombs

5. Now lid the jiffy and tie it off with the twine.

DIY Seed Bombs

6. BOMBS AWAY! Throw your seed bombs at the target… NOW GET TO THE CHOPPER!

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