"Compost temperature?!" you say? Ok, let us explain.
In order for microbes to work at their maximum capacity - converting all your waste into perfectly crafted compost - the internal working temperature needs to be between 50-60 degrees Celsius. That makes this long stemmed dial thermometer a pretty useful tool.
To measure the temperature of your compost, press the tip of the thermometer into theĀ centre of your compost heap (minimum of 20cm) andĀ wait a few minutes for the temperature to stabilise.
Unless you have a big heap (made up of 1m3 of waste) it will be pretty hard to reach 50-60 degrees. So gauge what temperature your pile reaches and once there, turn it over so that the outer wastes get all cosy in the middle.Ā
Dimensions: Dial 5cm diameter, Gauge 50cm in length.
Returns Policy
You can choose between a refund, exchange or credit when goods are faulty, have been wrongly described, are different to the product purchased on the website or donāt perform as advertised. Please read all product descriptions and choose carefully as we do not normally give refunds if you change your mind or make a wrong decision when ordering. But we are humans, so of course we will consider any request on its merit.
As a guide only, express orders are dispatched within 1-2 business days, while standard orders are dispatched within 2-3 business days from placing an order. In the event that an item is not available we will notify you ā via email, text or phone call ā to arrange an agreeable alternative or a full refund. Veggie crate orders are typically fulfilled within 7-10 days, however it is best to check before you purchase.
We send seed packet only orders under $50 via Australia Post envelope post, so we recommend choosing express postage if you are in a hurry. For all seed packet only orders $50 or over, there is free express shipping.