There’s radish, then there’s its horse-ier more coarse punch in your face cousin horseradish. This refreshingly pungent root is such an easy-grower that it can be somewhat invasive and we aren’t talking just about the taste. It does do well in a pot or tucked into your B-grade spaces.
You can make a new plant by using a knob cut from the parent plant. Place the knob in the soil and water in well, if planting several space out at 80cm.
In ground: Water daily for the first 4 weeks and 3-4 times a week in the absence of rainfall thereafter.
In Pots: Water daily, in the absence of rainfall, for the entirety of the warm season, and then cut back to watering every second day during the cooler times of the year.
The trick of horseradish is not letting it take over. Established plants develop flowers, which you can redirect some energy back into the plant by removing and also stop seeds from popping up everywhere.
Use a digging fork to loosen the soil around the plant. Use your hands to carefully remove the roots as they easily break if you pull them.
You can keep perpetuating plants by breaking off segments – keeping the bulk for your harvest – and then using the remaining pieces for replanting. The preference is to replant those that are already sprouting.