Mustard is a broad leafed green that has large aromatic light green leaves. All parts of the mildly pungent leaves can be used —roots, shoots, stems and leaves. It is part of the Brassica family, but requires much less care and is easier to grow than many of its cousins.
Sow seeds directly to the patch if conditions are mild/warm, otherwise propagate in a seed tray and then transplant to the patch when seedlings are 4 weeks old. Make sure to keep watering up to both seeds and seedlings – always in the morning – as young leafy greens are delicate to both the sun and snails/slugs.
In ground: Water daily for the first 4 weeks and 3-4 times a week in the absence of rainfall thereafter. More frequent watering may be required during the warmer times of the year.
In Pots: Water daily while establishing and for the entirety of the warm season, otherwise every second day – after they are 4 weeks old – if growing during the cooler times of the year.
They don’t need much care, It likes full sun but will benefit from shading in warm weather as it can bolt to seed. If your soil is lacking you can use a seaweed fertiliser at the 4 week mark.
Time until first harvest: About 10 weeks
How to harvest: Leaf-by-leaf harvesting is encouraged for a perpetual harvest. Take more mature outer leaves and work your way in, leaving enough foliage on each plant to properly reproduce.
When they’re seedlings keep the area weed free so that the mustards have less plants to compete with.