There is still some confusion as to the proper scientific difference between a swede and a turnip. Just to create extra confusion, the swede is also commonly referred to as the Swedish turnip. However, the majority view is that a swede is larger and yellow/orange fleshed, while the turnip is smaller and white fleshed. Believed to be a naturally occurring hybrid of the cabbage and turnip, the swede is a cool-climate, frost-tolerant vegetable that is happy to occupy the lesser grade parts of your veggie patch.
Not overly fussy or demanding of either nutrition or sunlight, it will keep well in the ground for long periods of time. This means a long window of opportunity while you harvest its edible greens and decide on a suitable use for it. We suggest slow-cooking the root – roasting, for example – which will intensify its colour and flavour.
Sow seeds directly into the soil in rows and cover lightly with soil. Water in with eco-seaweed fertiliser.
In ground: Water daily for the first 4 weeks and 3-4 times a week in the absence of rainfall thereafter. More frequent watering may be required during the warmer times of the year.
In Pots: Water daily while establishing and for the entirety of the warm season, otherwise every second day – after they are 4 weeks old – if growing during the cooler times of the year.
Add compost and blood and bone and then sow seeds directly to the patch. They don’t demand full sun, so will tolerate a B-grade patch space.
Thin out seedlings after 6 weeks to a spacing of approximately 30cm and mulch using pea straw, lucerne hay or sugar cane mulch to a depth of 3–5cm (1¼–2 in).
After about 3 months harvest some foliage for salad greens, but do so in moderation.
Time until first harvest: 75-90 days
How to harvest: Harvest roots, bracing plants nearby that will remain in-ground for further growth. Roots keep well in the ground, particularly when the soil temperature is cool, so only harvest as required.
Doesn’t require a lot of nitrogen or sunlight, so perfectly suited to your B-grade space.