Providing much more than just decoration, flowers fill a key companion planting role in the veggie patch and offer a range of subtle tastes, textures and colours to mealtime. Furthermore, compared to some more demanding edible plants, flowers are a piece of cake to grow, maybe even a piece of cake with a scattering of edible flower petals thrown over the top.
Planting a floral herbaceous perimeter will help to attract friendly predators and pollinators into the veggie patch. This ism’t the kind of wall that keeps things out. Rather, it is an invitation to foster diversity and prosperity in your patch. Creating a balanced ecosystems helps plants get on with their jobs, because if trouble strikes, there’s extra support to get things back on track.
Sow directly into your patch when daytime temperatures regularly surpass 18-20 degrees. If still too cold, propagate in seed trays and transplant when conditions have improved.
In ground: Water daily for the first 4 weeks and 3-4 times a week in the absence of rainfall thereafter. Watering frequency may need to be elevated during hot weather.
In Pots: Water daily, in the absence of rainfall, for the entirety of its lifecycle. The best practice is to water in the morning, however on extremely warm days a late afternoon water may also be necessary.
Marigolds hate to be wet and soggy and are susceptible to root rot, so don’t overwater them, but rather give them larger drinks of water when the top few centimetres of soil is dry. Feed them with a seaweed fertiliser monthly.
You can harvest the flowers when in full bloom and pull individual petals to mix in salads. They are also able to be dried, in this case snip a bunch a few cm from the bottom and hang up with twine to dry.
Helps to deter aphids, beetles, leaf hoppers and nematodes. Plant it as a border around your veggie patch.